Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Juan Felipe Herrera - The Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler p.56-80

Juan Felipe Herrera The Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler
Page: 57

“… features soccer and boxing, the necessary Mexican mythology of Men in power for men in powerless positions scattered through Tortilla Flats, the Mission, and on all those way to Mexico City...”

This quote was very interesting. It comes back to what was discussed in the last class. Man goes woman. Juan talks about the cultures need to reaffirm manliness.

Juan Felipe Herrera The Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler
Page: 69

“A woman asked me what writers influenced me, who did I read? I said, my mother. Lucha Quintana. Have you heard of that writer? The woman's neck twisted. No, she wanted to know "what writers"! She wanted to ask the usual worn phrase. Ginsberg, Anrtaud, Nervo, Lorca, Neruda, Popa, Hikmet, Rodnati, Walker. These are the shadows”

In this quote Juan challenges the stereotypes of being a writer. He sticks to his claim that his mother above all others is what influences him. The standard influences mean nothing because everyone claims to be influences by them, so those authors are nothing – mean nothing. It is only the actual influences in life that truly effect writing.

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