Friday, April 27, 2007

Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums p.199-223

Jack Kerouac Dharma Bums
Page: 203

“East meets West finally, and it’ll be guys like us that can start the thing. Think of the millions of guys all over the world with rucksacks on their backs tramping around the back country and hitchhiking and bring the word down to everybody.”

This is an interesting quote because Japhy almost comes across like you would expect “mainstreamers” to. He sounds as if he thinks his way of life is superior and anyone who does not convert to his ways is a fool. This is contradictory to most dharma bum ways.

Jack Kerouac Dharma Bums
Page: 223

“The snow-covered mountains themselves had disappeared, receded from my view, I couldn’t se them any more but now I was beginning to feel them more.”

I liked this quote not for the insight it gives into Dharma Bums, but for the imager. Anyone who has stood at the foot of a huge mountain knows the feeling this quote portrays. The mountains are a vastness that you have no hope of conquering. You cannot and will not beat a mountain, and nothing shows that as well as the feeling of standing at the base with them looming over you.

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