Monday, April 16, 2007

Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums p. 94-120

Jack Kerouac Dharma Bums
Page: 96

“The world is nothing but the mind and what is the mind? The mind is nothing but the world, goddamnit. ”

The paradox of the Dharma Bums. They continually struggle with this concept of nothingness in the world. They partially want to say that the world does not exist and doesn’t matter, but at the same time they must acknowledge that life and everything in it is real.

Jack Kerouac Dharma Bums
Page: 120

“Everything was far away from that easy purity of being with Japhy Ryder in that high rock camp under peaceful singeing stars.”

Ray has an idealistic idea of what traveling the country will be. Even during these first few nights he is face with the realization that it is not perfect. His rucksack revolution is not going the way he envisioned it, but he remains committed to his beliefs.

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